lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

The weather in Spain will be ...

In Galicia, Asturias and he País Vasco it will rain.
In the south of Galicia it will be cloudy and in Asturias it will be sunny too.
In the north of Navarra, it will snow and in the south it will be cloudy.
In the north of Cataluña, it will rain and in the south it will be cloudy.
In the north of Castilla y León it will snow and it will be cloudy and in the south it will be sunny.
In Madrid, Extremadura and Castilla La Mancha it will be sunny.
In Andalucía it will be sunny.
In Ceuta and Melilla it will be sunny.
In the Canary Islands it will be cloudy.
In Mallorca and Menorca it will rain.
In Ibiza and Formentera it will be sunny.
In the Comunitat Valenciana it will be sunny.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

My favourite TV programme

My favourite TV programme is 'Los Protegidos', a soap opera on Antena 3. I like it because it's a very exciting soap opera; it has science-fiction, action, mistery and love. It's great!
                                              The family
The soap opera is about special children who live like a real family, but they aren't a real family. They are escaping of the villains who want to kidnap them in order to rule over the world. They have to live like normal children but it's very difficult because they have got special powers!

The villains
In my opinion, there isn't a best character, all of the special children who are the main characters are very interesting: Culebra can be invisible, Lucía can read minds, Carlos can move objects with his mind, Sandra can produce electricity with her body and Lucas can turn into other people when he touches them. 
They're all fantastic!

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

My free time

I love reading books. I often read books.
I love watching TV. I watch TV every day.
I like listening to music. I usually listen Maldita Nerea,ECDL, Despistaos...
I love going to the cinema. I often go the cinema.
I hate playing football. I never play football.
I don't mind sending text messages. I sometimes send text messages.
I like phoning my friends. I often phone my best friend.
I like riding my bike. I sometimes ride my bike with my family.
My brother loves playing sport. He often plays tennis.
My father enjoys watching DVDs. He watches DVDs at the weekend.
My cousin Laura likes going to the disco. She often goes to the disco with her friends.
My friends and I like going for a walk. We often go for a walk on Saturdays.
My best friend likes walking. She often walks with her mother.
My friend Carmina loves playing the piano. She usually plays the piano.
My friends enjoy going to the beach. They always go to the beach in summer.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Com estalviar aigua:

5 formes per a estalviar aigua a casa:
1.Tanca l'aixeta quan estigues llavant-te les dents per a no gastar més aigua de la necessària.
2.Fes les dutxes més curtes, amb 5 minuts hi ha prou.
3. En compte de prendre un bany , dutxa't.
4.Posa la llavadora només quan estiga plena per a no tindre que posar-la més vegades; fes el mateix amb el llavaplats.

5.No utilitzar l'inodor com si fóra una basura

6.Arregla amb urgència les avaries d'aixetes i canonades. Una aixeta que goteja perd 30 l. diaris

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011


I've lived in Jávea all my life
.I've travelled to Madrid to visit my family.
I've danced in France.
I've travelled to different countries like Andorra and France
I haven't had a sprained ankle or a broken leg.
I haven't been to England
I haven't learnt to speak German.
My brother has played on tennis tournaments.
I've spent Christmas with my family.
My friends and I have been to Terra Mítica
I haven't played rugby.
I've done gymnastics.
My dogs have played with me.
I've been to some concerts.
My father has visited Sevilla and Granada.
My family and I haven't travelled to Portugal.
I've read a lot of books. 
I've celebrated my birthday at home.

domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010


Last Christmas...

I danced and sang a lot on New Year's Eve and I had the twelve grapes too.
(Yo bailé y  canté mucho en Nochevieja y tomé las doce uvas también.)

I ate stuffed beef on Christmas Eve
(Yo comí ternera rellena en Nochebuena)

Past Continuous: Last Christmas...

Look for a christmas photo and tell us what you were doing...

 Here I was decorating my house for Christmas.
(Aquí yo estaba decorando mi casa para Navidad)

Here I was opening my Christmas presents at my aunt's on Christmas Eve.
(Aquí yo estaba abriendo los regalos de Navidad en casa de mi tía en Nochebuena)